Blockchain Revolution

B lockchain Revolution By D o n Tapscott and Alex Tapscott Preview The internet fundamentally changed the way we live our lives, do business or start new ones. Information Technology changed our society, but it failed to provide two essential things, trust, and power to the ordinary user. There is no mechanism for establishing identities online, and this has led to a trust deficit that we all experience. We depend on third parties, banks, credit card companies, and firms to do business with an unknown person. We are beholden to big corporations and governments to lead our online as well as real lives. All this is about to change though thanks to the disruptive and wonderfully designed Blockchain technology. The Blockchain is a mechanism that aims to establish a system of transparent, public, and peer-to-peer network ledgers that can be used for anything we want, from banking to copyright protection and much more. The Blockchain is built to handle challe...